UIDAI R & D Biometrics Lab

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Brief Description of the Project:

The step towards establishing a center for "Biometrics R&D" (for carrying out cutting-edge research in Biometrics) is a bilateral collaborative initiative of UIDAI (Unique Identification Authority of India) and C-DAC, which will serve as a national resource center for building capabilities and governing the biometrics technology. The center aims at strengthening the abilities of UIDAI to address the various issues related to field challenges, biometric samples quality analysis, interoperability & standards compliance, performance (speed and accuracy), security threats etc. The center will also enable C-DAC to take a leadership role in research, development and deployment of state-of-the-art biometrics systems in government for civil and criminal services.

Key Activities:

Sr. No. Key Milestones / Activities
1 Establishing Biometric R&D Lab at CDAC (Mumbai Centre).
2 Light Weight fingerprint SDK for Client Applications.
3 Performance Evaluation Test-Bed for Biometrics SDKs.
4 SDKs for PoS (Point Of Sale) Devices.
5 Development of Fingerprint SDK for Authentication Server
6 Contributions to R&D in developing Multimodel Biometric Systems (Iris & fingerprint Modalities)

Testbed for performance evaluation and benchmarking of Fingerprint Biometric SDKs for Aadhaar Authentication Services:

Brief Description:

The Testbed will be used for evaluating abilities of the Biometric SDKs obtained by UIDAI through an EOI/RFP from various vendors for Aadhaar Authentication Services.

The Testbed will provide a common platform to all the participating suppliers for enabling unbiased evaluation of their SDKs, wherein, the SDKs will be made to run multiple times on varied data sets, of different volumes, and for different duration for measuring, comparing and reporting their performances.


Bharatiya-IRIS (Bharatiya IRIS Recognition and Identity Solution):

The salient features of Bharatiya-IRIS are as follows:

Light Weight Fingerprint SDK and Aadhaar Authentication Client Application:



Contact details of the Project In charge:

Collaborating Agency: UIDAI

Team Members:

Past Members:

Contact Address :

Gulmohar Cross Road No.9 , Juhu
Mumbai 400 049
Tel :26201606
