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NAADI: National Analytical Platform for Dealing with Intelligent Tracing, Tracking and Containment of COVID19 Pandemic

Naadi LogoUnder the SAMHAR-COVID19 Program of C-DAC, we have developed a platform called NAADI: National Analytical Platform for Dealing with Intelligent Tracing, Tracking and Containment of COVID-19 for infected persons and quarantined people. NAADI offers along with Two Mobile applications namely, 112++ India App for Citizens and nCov Satark App for Health Professionals and Government Decision makers. NAADI also offers Customized Asset Management System of C-DAC for COVID19.

This platform has extensively used the expertise garnered by three successful platforms developed by C-DAC; Emergency Response Support System (ERSS),e-Sanjeevni & Mercury: Tele-medicine Solution and "Suraksha Mitr" Vehicle Tracking System (VTS). ERSS is an integrated system that provides a common platform to receive distress calls in the form of voice, message, email, panic signal etc. through a Single Number '112'. C-DAC has carried out Nation-wide deployment of '112 system' and around 5.5 Lakh downloads of '112 India App' by users have facilitated saving many lives and persons in distress. e-Sanjeevni and Mercury are already deployed in Ten States. VTS is also a well proven system for online tracing and tracking of vehicles.

NAADI platform offers Comprehensive Multi-Level, Multi-modal and Multi-lingual Tracing, Tracking and Containment of COVID-19 Quarantined/Under Observation/Infected Individuals.

NAADI Provides:

NAADI ACFig-1. NAADI Architecture and Components

nCov-Satark App (Powered by C-DAC's NAADI Platform) for Health Agencies

112++ India App for Citizens

Ops Logistics System

It is gratifying to note that a few applications are being developed and are being launched as a quick response by many agencies. The tool developed by C-DAC is comprehensive connecting citizens, health agencies and Government Decision makers. It provides the following features in addition to the ones provided by these applications which will complement and strengthen our country's efforts.

It is our strong conviction that this NAADI platform will prove to be a giant leap in our country's efforts to combat COVID19 Pandemic.

VisualizationFig-2. Visualization & Analytics

Mobile APPFig-3. nCov-Satark Mobile App

Mobile APP Fig-4. 112++ India App

Overall ECOFig-5. Overall Eco-system and External Interfaces

NAADI platform offers Comprehensive Multi-Level, Multi-modal and Multi-lingual Tracing, Tracking and Containment of COVID-19 Quarantined/Under-Observation/ Infected Individuals.
