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About the product

This tool enables typing in Hindi, Marathi,  Gujarati,  Tamil,  Kannada, English, Bengali, Malayalam, Telugu, Oriya, Nepali, Konkani, Assamese, Manipuri, Punjabi and Urdu for Swing Applications. It supports widely used keyboard layouts viz. Phonetic, Inscript and Typewriter. It is based on the Input Method Framework. Any swing based application that runs on JRE 1.4 and above is capable of supporting typing using this tool

Main Features:

  1. Pure Java: does not use any native libraries and can thus be seamlessly deployed across various platforms.
  2. Meant for client end swing applications: In client-server architecture, can be used on swing based clients
  3. Based on Input Method Framework: The respective jars are to be put in a specific directory and the ability to type in Indic scripts becomes available in all Swing Editable Components automatically
  4. Indic text can be entered in all the editable components of Swing at runtime
  5. The Indic Scripts and tthe Keyboard Layouts can be changed Dynamically at runtime
  6. Both Unicode and ISFOC based solutions available
  7. The development and viewing of applications is platform independent: being purely Java-based works on all platforms that support Java Standard Edition viz . MS Windows, Linux, Solaris, etc.
  8. Supports INSCRIPT , Phonetic and Typewriter keyboard layout for inputting
  9. Supports English along with Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Tamil, Kannada, English, Bengali, Malayalam, Telugu, Oriya, Nepali, Konkani, Assamese, Manipuri, Punjabi and Urdu.
  10. Database applications can be developed for Indic scripts
  11. Operating System Support : Linux, Solaris and Windows

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