Videoworks Research

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T-Learning Framework (A Multilingual Interactive TV services Framework)

Television today, has a strong presence in both urban and rural households. With ongoing Digitization, TV with set-top-box is going to be one-stop-shop for knowledge as well a host of services directly to home.The proposed framework will enrich the educational broadcasts with interactive learning applications, keep the viewer engaged and thereby enhance learning. With seamless integration of the interactive TV contents; it will assist educational content providers to create, reuse existing e-Learning contents, store and broadcast it.

Block Diagram of T-Learning Framework


The Videoworks team at C-DAC GIST group having worked in the video domain for more than two decades has prototyped an interactive TV learning application that intents to enrich the educational broadcasts. It is designed to cater to viewers with and without the availability of the return channel in the set-top-box for interaction with TV.


Home TV Screen

This framework aims to help reinforce the Distance learning initiatives through television medium by transforming Television into a“Virtual University”. Itcan be further enhanced to cater to other potential areas such as T-Governance, T-Health Care, Disaster Management, Infotainment etc.


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