Multilingual Website Design & Development

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The four main questions that come to mind when one starts work on multilingual projects and websites are: Does your website attract visitors from around the world? Do your budding customers speak different languages? How can you communicate with them? Does the purpose of your product solve the end users needs?

For all these questions the best answer would be to speak in the language of the end users.. As the world of internationalization unfolds multilingual websites are becoming a necessity for businesses and organizations, these provide high impact and innovative way of boosting international sales and presence. Many of the websites need to be developed in various languages.

The Internet continues to grow and has become the default point of call for businesses and individuals searching for goods, services or information. For businesses wishing to get that competitive advantage, a multilingual websites can be used as an important means of expanding a client base and securing greater sales volumes.

Multilingual website design is a specialized skill and here at C-DAC Mohali; we offer these specialized multilingual websites and have experience in building websites in Indian Languages. C-DAC Mohali has been a pioneer in developing and proliferating the use of Indian languages on computers. The multilingual website design procedure goes much deeper than just translation. It involves both technical and linguistic challenges. We work closely with the linguists to assure speedy translation of the multilingual content.

Out of many advantages of Multilingual websites, some are listed below:

Shift Away from English Internet Users
The Internet began as an English speaker's invention and as a result was dominated by English speaking users and sites. However, times are changing. With the growing numbers of people buying PC's and home Internet access is available across different parts of the world.It makes multilingual websites as an essential requirement, for interaction among people who understand different languages other than English.

Cost Effective Marketing Tool
A multilingual website in the grand scheme of things is probably one of the most cost effective ways of marketing any company, capturing new users, building relationships with new clients and giving brands an international outlook.

Customer Centric
Ultimately what a multilingual website brings is new customers. By having your site accessible to potentially thousands of people you are showcasing your company across the globe. For non-English speaking users looking for your product or service, one can automatically capture their attention through the multilingual website

Increased Sales
With every language added to a website there is the potential for manifolds in sales. So, multilingual websites can be considered as one of the many ways to increase sales with little investment.

Customer-Centric and Keep up with competitors
A multilingual website demonstrates one is thinking about the customer. That little extra effort shows you have thought and cared enough about them to offer the website in their language. To get the competitive advantage in today's environment you need to think outside the box and multilingual websites can create wonders. Business continually sees shifts and changes. Multilingual website holds great potential, with most of the large and small multinational companies using them to secure an international foothold. The trickle down effect will naturally occur and the multilingual website & will become part and parcel of the virtual Internet presence for any individual or organizational.

For Further Details Please Contact:
Multilingual & Web Technologies
(Software Technology Division)

A-34, Phase VIII, Indl. Area, Mohali - 160071
Phone: 0172-6619034
eMail: suneet[at]cdac[dot]in
