Expect home-grown supercomp in a year

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The Times of India
Sep 03, 2016

The Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) will make a new supercomputer within a year and two smaller supercomputers within eight months, C-DAC officials asserted. The centre is also tying up with state government to set up a Cyber Security Centre and coordinating with PMC for transport management projects.

“The super computer will be completely indigenous.From design to manufacturing to assembling, everything will be done in India. This will be a total technological marvel. We will collaborate with several universities, educational institutes and industries for this project,“ said Rajat Moona, director general, C-DAC.

According to Moona, the centre is also working with various government websites so as to provide them with local language support and the National Electoral Roll Purification program and National Electoral Roll Management program.

Executive director of CDAC Hemant Darbari spoke of e-Hastakshar (e-signature) project under Digital India Mission and said that talks were on with Pune Municipal Corporation to implement the e-Hastakshar as well as the eLocker project. “We are also working with the civic body to provide smarter solutions to the smart city in several projects, including transport management, which will be complete by December,“ he said.

Moona further said that India is in the infancy of data security . “We don't understand the importance of data. Sensitization and awareness in this area is required urgently . Security starts with education and there is a need to educate the society in data security ,“ said Moona.

E-sign unveiling event cancelled

Unveiling of E-Hastakshar, a Digital India Mission initiative to link e-signatures with Aadhaar cards for official document authentication, was cancelled on Friday as the minister of state for law and justice and electronics and IT, P P Chaudhary had to rush back to his hometown for personal reasons. The e-Hastakshar offers an online platform where citizens can instantly sign their documents securely in a legally acceptable form under the Indian IT Act 2000 and various rules and regulations therein.
