May 20, 2022
We are pleased to inform that the Museums of India Mobile App designed and developed by C-DAC has been launched by Shri G. Kishan Reddy, Hon'ble Minister for Culture and Tourism at a special event organised to celebrate International Museum Day and Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav on 18 May 2022. At NGMA, New Delhi.
As the nation celebrates Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, commemorating 75 years of India's independence, the Museums of India Mobile App provides a digital showcase of 750 objects from National Museums across the country. The mobile app supports features like search & retrieval, category-based browsing and 3D interactive objects. One can mark favourite objects and share the link on social media.
Shri G. Kishan Reddy, Hon'ble Minister for Culture and Tourism mentioned that the Museums of India Mobile App will immensely benefit the students, teachers, tourists and scholars as the museum collections are now easily available on their finger tip on anytime anywhere basis. The mobile app would be so useful especially in situations like COVID pandemic when the museums had to be closed for several months.
Shri Magesh Ethirajan, Director General of C-DAC said that the Museums of India Mobile App has removed the physical walls and geographical distance between the museums and it provides a unified view of India's heritage.
Col. Asheet Kumar Nath (Retd.), Executive Director, C-DAC, Pune said that the Museums of India Mobile App can be a very powerful medium to popularize India's culture among the millennial generations.
Dr. Dinesh Katre, Senior Director & HOD, HCDC Group, C-DAC, Pune said that the Museums of India Mobile App provides access to artefacts relating to India's history, rare paintings by the masters, antiques made from various materials, sculptures and objects of archaeology, which can place India's heritage on world stage and promote tourism.
The Android Version of Museums of India Mobile App can be downloaded from Google Play Store. The Museums of India Mobile App is designed and developed by Human-Centred Design & Computing (HCDC) Group, C-DAC, Pune. The mobile app is an extension to JATAN Virtual Museum Builder, which is already implemented in 10 National Museums and the National Digital Repository & Portal for Museums of India already established by HCDC Group.
In the near future, new versions of Mobile App will be introduced with more features, digital collections and 3D interactive objects.

Contact for more information:
Dr. Dinesh Katre
Senior Director & Head of Department
Human-Centred Design & Computing Group
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC),
5th Floor, Innovation Park, Panchavati, Pashan,
Pune - 411 008, INDIA.
Mobile: 9922992746
Email: dinesh[at]cdac[dot]in