Product Information

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C-DAC's Toolkit for SNOMED CT (CSNOtk)

CSNOtk is a specially designed FOSS toolkit for easy access and integration of SNOMED CT in healthcare applications. SNOMED CT is comprehensive clinical healthcare terminology provided by SNOMED International.

The CSNOtk contains four packages:
•    CSNOLib
•    CSNOServ
•    CSNOCtrl
•    CSNOFinder
CSNOtk is a simple-to-use suite of tools for SNOMED CT database integration, generic and term/semantic tag-based search as well as ready-to-use jQuery-based custom control for SNOMED CT UI enablement. This toolkit enables clinicians and researchers to find relevant SNOMED CT codes with their synonyms, fully specified names, and different types of relationships between concepts.

•    Provides Java API library for adding SNOMED CT support in any Java based application
•    Automates database and Lucene index creation from the SNOMED CT standard release files
•    Supports Apache Lucene based full-text search
•    Provides term suggestions, text based searches, lookup, explore, concept relationships, SNOMED CT to ICD-10 mapping, simple map, DISB, etc.
•    Enables searching within the SNOMED CT reference sets and national extensions
•    Enables searching with multiple semantic tag
•    Enables search capability by limiting search to descendent concepts of parent concept(s)

•    Ready to call Representational State Transfer (REST) API layer exposed as web service
•    Deployable over web/application server
•    Service can be readily deployed along with the application or centrally by the user for one or more products/deployment
•    Easy configuration to access the Drug Information Service Bundle (DISB)

•    Easy to embed JQuery based control
•    Enables application developer to add support of SNOMED CT in JAVA/.NET/PHP based applications
•    Can be used with any existing textbox on web-form or new development as required
•    Provide SNOMED CT search facility with best matching suggestions
•    Easy integration of SNOMED CT to ICD-10 mapping in healthcare applications

•    Provides full-text and language-assisted search on the SNOMED CT repository
•    Provides progressive type-ahead, search by semantic tag, component status
•    Rich user interface with pictorial representation of relation between concepts
•    Enables refset tab to view imported reference sets
•    Semantic tag based search results categorization
•    Provides facility to explore SNOMED CT concepts for study/research
•    CSNOFinder can be readily deployed along with application or centrally by the user for one or more products/deployments

Use Cases

•    Suite of tools designed for integration of SNOMED CT standard in healthcare applications.
•    Provides text-based search function as well as a term/semantic tag based search for SNOMED CT.
•    Clinicians and researchers can utilize CSNOtk to easily locate pertinent SNOMED CT codes.

Salient Features

•    Easy to use Object-Oriented API for search, suggest, lookup, and explore
•    Simple map and SNOMED CT to ICD-10 Mapping API
•    Facility to access Drug Information Service Bundle (DISB) APIs
•    Facility for import and search from the reference sets
•    Support for national extension(s)
•    Easy to use embed jQuery-based custom controls
•    Apache Lucene engine-based full-text search
•    Ready to use SNOMED CT web service  
•    Automates database and Lucene index creation from the SNOMED CT release files
•    Feature-rich SNOMED CT browser
•    Easy to setup components using the installer package

Platform Required (if any)

•    OpenJDK 1.8.0
•    Apache Tomcat 8.5
•    SNOMED International SNOMED CT release files


Contact Details for Techno Commercial Information

HPC - Medical and Bioinformatics Applications (HPC-MBA) Group
C-DAC Innovation Park, Panchavati, Pashan, Pune - 411 008
Phone: 020-25503271
Email: sdk-enq[AT]

Commercial technical support is available. Please write your requirements to sdk-enq AT
