Gateway (iGate) has integrated various communication demands in the factory floor in a highly flexible and cost effective way. It is developed with a view to provide interoperability among systems of different vendors. It provides the commonly used communication interfaces like Ethernet, USB, Serial (Configurable RS232/422/485) and protocol s like Modbus RTU/TCP, DNP3.0 serial/TCP etc.
Use Cases
Process Industries, Power Plant, Pulp & Paper, Sugar Industry, Water Treatment Plant, Food processing Industry, sewer network monitoring systems etc.
Salient Features
- Industrial Communication Gateway
- Linux OS
- RS232/RS422/RS485 , USB, Ethernet , Wi-Fi / Zigbee interfaces
Hardware Features
- Software configurable serial channels with galvanic isolation - 4nos
RS232 / RS422 / RS485 2Wire and 4Wire - Ethernet (10/100Mbps) interface - 2 nos
- USB Host interface - 2 nos
- Real Time Clock with Battery back up
Software Features
- Modbus TCP master to DNP 3.0 Serial slave protocol conversion
- DNP 3.0 master to Modbus RTU slave protocol conversion
- Modbus TCP to RTU and DNP 3.0 TCP to serial protocol conversion
- Product configuration remotely via Ethernet
Design Features
- DIN Mount option
- Wall Mount option
- 166 X 140 X 56mm enclosures
- 5V, 4A Power Supply via external 230 V AC Power Adapter
Contact Details for Techno Commercial Information
Group Head,
Control & Instrumentation Group,
C-DAC, Thiruvananthapuram
Phone: +91-471-2723333, 2726721
Fax: +91-471-2722230, 2723456
Email: tpc@cdac.in