Product Information

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Cyber Threat Management System

The Cyber Threat Management System (CTMS) provides an integrated framework for monitoring analysis and enabling mitigation of cyber threats. The framework is based upon client server architecture where client nodes run a variety of honeypot sensors, emulating the organisational attack surface and capturing cyber attacks targeting the organisations. The captured attacks are pushed to a central collection server where  the data is further analysed for threat prediction and mitigation. 

Use Cases
  • Capturing cyber-attacks targeting the organisations.
  • Threat Prediction and Mitigation.
  • Generation of Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI)
Salient Features
  • Wide range of honeypot sensor for comprehensive threat monitoring
  • Array of analysis engines for threat prediction
  • Engines for continuous attack surface enumeration & risk calculation
  • Integrated Early warning system
  • India Specific Cyber threat Intelligence
  • Threat Mitigation through Real time Cyber threat intelligence generation
  • Integrable with SIEM, Firewalls & other security tools
  • Unified single dashboard for visualization, monitoring and management

Technical Specifications

  • Capturing of cyber attacks.
  • Attack data collection and Enrichment.
  • Analysis and Cyber Threat Intelligence generation (Threat Intelligence Portal Configuration and Management and Dissemination).




Contact Details for Techno Commercial Information

Sh. Navdeep S. Chahal
Scientist - F
eMail: navdeep[at]cdac[dot]in

C-DAC Mohali, A-34, Phase VIII, Industrial Area, Mohali - 160071
Phone No.: 0172-6619036
