Product Information

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GIST JSP Translator Tool

GIST JSP Translator Tool has been developed for easy and bulk conversion of JSP English data content into Indian languages. Currently it supports 11 Indian languages - Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali, Assamese, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Punjabi, and Oriya. This application can browse multiple files of JSP, ASP or PHP from the list and translate them on one go. All tag will be parsed except non ASP, JSP, PHP, HTML tags. Fonts need to be applying in the CSS file so that data could be display in proper format.

Figure:- Sample input jsp file

Figure:- Sample input jsp file

Contact Details for Techno Commercial Information

More information on GIST products
E-Mail: info[dot]gist[at]cdac[dot]in

Sales related information
E-Mail: sales[dot]gist[at]cdac[dot]in

Support related information
E-Mail: support[dot]gist[at]cdac[dot]in
