Product Information

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Handheld Electronic Nose (HEN)

  • Assessment of finished tea quality.
  • Determination of optimum fermentation time for tea during manufacturing.
  • Additional test beds for Cheese Ripening and Jasmine Extracts.

Use Cases
  • Reliable prediction of Tea-Taster like Score of Finished Tea.
  • Online Plot of Fermentation Profile for End-point detection.
  • Quality Analysis of Floral Extracts, like Jasemine, Rose, etc.
  • Quality estimation of Spices.
Salient Features
  • Small portable device with graphical User interface with touch screen.
  • Integrated sniffing unit.
  • Powered by Battery as well as AC Adaptor.
  • Data storage in FAT File system in SD Card memory.
  • Indigenous MOS Sensors developed.

Technical Specifications


  • Microchip 16-bit Controller
  • TFT Touch Screen
  • SD Card Interface
  • In-built graphics support


  • Firmware in C
  • Touch screen based
  • GUI Interface


  • The PIC 24FJ256DA210 (100pin) processor interfaced to a 4.3”
  • (480*272) Display with touch screen support.
  • Sensors developed by Sensor Hub, Kolkata.
  • 16 bit RGB interface.
  • Processor is clocked from an 8MHz crystal with a secondary oscillator of 32 KHz.
  • A rechargeable Li-ion Battery (12 V).



Contact Details for Techno Commercial Information

Agri and Environmental Electronics (AEE) Group

Shri Alokesh Ghosh


Ph: +91-33-2357-5989 (Ext: 235)
