Product Information

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Mizo Text Reading System is a Text to Speech System integrated with Mizo Optical Chracter Recognizer (OCR). The developed system is able to meet the real-life requirements of visually impaired persons with a given level of accuracy. It is a good example of software that promotes self-reliance, improves productivity and changes lives of blind, visually impaired, illiterate men and women. 

Use Cases
  • Screen Reader
  • Assistive technology for both blind and dyslexic student
  • Health informatics
  • Speech to speech translation system
  • Weather forecasting
Salient Features
  • Low memory requirement.
  • Easy to integrate with other applications.
  • The system is capable of handling both Unicode and ASCII
  • Easy to be integrated with handheld devices
  • Can take both text files and scanned images of text in bmp and jpeg format as input
  • The output of the OCR can be corrected manually.

Platform Required (if any)

  • Windows OS.


Contact Details for Techno Commercial Information

Advance Signal Processing Group, Speech Processing Section

Mr. Joyanta Basu

Email: joyanta.basu[at]cdac[dot]in

Phone No.: 033-2357-9846, Ext: 329 & 255
