Product Information

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Thermal Conductivity Measurement System

TCMS is an electronic system to measure the thermal conductivity of solid and liquidpropellant specimens. The system functions on 'Transient Hotwire' technology where acopper/platinum wire is used as the primary sensor element for measurement. TCMS iscapable of detecting nano-volt level signals from the sensor element when it is excited by aninbuilt constant current source with micro-ampere level accuracy and stability. The thermalconductivity of liquid propellant is an important parameter to determine its usability as fuel forvarious stages of rocket propulsion.


Technical Specifications

  • Multi-channel (8 channels)
  • 32-bit DAQ system with < 500nV sensitivity
  • Constant current source with < 100?A error
  • Application software for display, recording, replay & analysis



Contact Details for Techno Commercial Information

Group Head, 
Strategic Electronics Group
C-DAC Thiruvananthapuram
Phone: +91-471-2723333
Mob: 9446360166
Fax: +91-471-2727508
