Product Information

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TraMM-EnV is the Data acquisition system and user interface of C-DAC traffic signal controllers CUTE &WiTraC

TraMM-EnV is one of the major building blocks of Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS). This softwaretool is used to monitor and manage a network of C-DAC Adaptive Traffic Signal Controllers (WiTraC& CUTE)installed at different junctions in a City/Zone from the ATMS Command and Control Centre. TraMM-EnVincorporates user friendly Human Machine Interface, Dashboard to configure, visualize, analyze traffic patterns andcontrol traffic signals remotely. It provides options to monitor the data in different visual formats such as Trends,Charts, Reports and Live Animation Screens. Dedicated User Management System of TraMM-EnV provides userbased alarms and user specific authorization to access TraMM-EnV software modules. Centralized junctionconfiguration tool in TraMM-Env facilitates plan download and upload functionality to configure the junctionsremotely. It receives online junction pattern periodically from different junction controllers and the same will bedistributed to associated software modules for display, reporting and processing by the Adaptive Traffic ControlSystem CoSiCoSt-EnV.


Use Cases

Remote monitoring and administration of road traffic signal controllers


Salient Features

Provides interface between C-DAC traffic signal controllers and Adaptive Traffic Control System (CoSiCoSt-EnV). Generates reports and views on the traffic signal controller operation.

Contact Details for Techno Commercial Information

Section Head,
Intelligent Transportation and Networking Section
C-DAC, Thiruvananthapuram
Phone: +91-471-2723333, 2726721
Fax: +91-471-2722230, 2723456
