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'ARJUN', ADIP - Web Portal for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan)

The objective of the project is to develop a national level portal for DEPwD to integrate of all implementing Agency into a same platform and buildup   national database of ADIP beneficiary and Aids and assistive device distributed to a beneficiary under the ADIP scheme and provide facility for Duplicate check of multiple aids given to a beneficiary and national level beneficiary Search fetch facility to get beneficiary details with aids and assistance devices given to any beneficiary. Also provide facility for Analytical dashboard and generate various MIS and drilldown reports at national level.

Online processes

  • ADIP Agencies Registration
  • Beneficiary Registration
  • Grievance and feedback
  • Camp management
  • Entering of Aids and Assistive device given to Beneficiary
  • Upload test check report
  • Analytical dashboard and MIS Reports
  • Legacy Data Upload
  • National level ADIP Beneficiary Search etc.

Use Cases

Any Govt. & Non govt. Agency that needs to automate any Scheme for distribute and provide various aids to various beneficiary, Its also help to improved processes and better decision making.

Salient Features
  1. It helps in providing an IT enabled Collaborative Platform.
  2. It’s a robust, secure and easily extendible solution.
  3. Its plug and play components allows easy use and omission of modules.
  4. It provides Role Based Access to its users.
  5. Rich Statistical and Analytical Dashboards for informed decision making.
  6. Portals are GIGW guidelines compliant

Chief Investigator Details

Paras Nath Barwal

