Capacity building for human resource development in Unmanned Aircaft System(Drone and related Technology)
Establish a collaborative ecosystem in Unmanned Aircraft Systems and related technologies through Resource Centres(RCs) and Participating Institutes(PIs).Establishing five(5) Work Themes(WTs) to enhance capacity & Capabilities of select institutions in Unmanned aircraft systems. Work Theme of C-DAC Patna is Aeromechanics.
This project is titled “Capacity building for Human Resource Development in Unmannd Aircraft System (Drone and related Technology)” is cenceptualized to levarage and augment capacity and capability of academic and related institutions through a unique collaborative framework. This Project is being framed to further strengthen the identified institutes with a mission to create quality human resources which contributes skilled professionals and stakeholders to UAS industry.
The objective of the project is to levarage collaborative activities in human resource development through capacity building in education and training in the area of Unmanned Aircrfat Systems(UAS). Under the project, implementation would be carried out by 30 premium institutions, in a hub-n-spoke mode.
Establish a collaborative ecosystem in Unmanned Aircraft Systems and related technologies through Resource centres(RCs) and Participating Institutes(PIs) .These institutions would be mapped with the identified five (5) Work-Themes, namely:
- Drone Electronics (Sensors,Onboard Computers, Commn. Technology etc.)
- GNC Algorithms & Simulation
- Aeromechanics
- Drone Applications
- Allied UAS Technologies(Data Analysis,AI/ML,IoT,Cloud Computing etc.)
C-DAC Patna is part of project as Participating Institutes and Work Theme of C-DAC Patna is Aeromechanics.
Salient Features
Main objectives of this project is :-
i) To enhance capability & capabilities of select institutions in identified WTs on unmanned aircaft Systems.
ii) To institutionalize a collaborative ecosystem through identified Resource centres(RCs) and Participating Institutions(PIs) for synergy of capabilities & expertise.
iii) To foster development of competent human resources at various levels including Post Graduate and Graduate programs, PG Diploma/Certificate programs, Faculty Updation and Master Trainers in niche areas of UAS.
iv)To promote entrepreneurial mindset and nurture technical talent among the student community through innovative intervations such as Bootcamps and Proof-of-Concepts(POC).
v) To nurture technical talent and ideation among the studentcommunity through IPR generation, Competitions, workshops/ Conferences, etc.
Chief Investigator Details
Ritesh R Dhote, riteshd[at]