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HPC based Quantum Accelerators for enabling Quantum Computing on Supercomputers

It is proposed to build Quantum Accelerator using the following technology: 
•    GPU based testbed 
•    FPGA based testbed
•    Vector based testbed 

GPU based testbed:

Design and development of GPU based quantum accelerator node for targetted quantum simulator frameworks

To scale-up and accelerate present and future version of qsim and other identified open-source quantum simulators over gpu based hpc infrastructure

The main aim of the project is building HPC Quantum Accelerators wherein a small scale
“Quantum Accelerator” is integrated with a HPC nodes to achieve computational tasks
that are otherwise beyond the reach of the Quantum Simulators available for a given
class of problem. The scope of the project is development of GPU based testbed
• GPUs offer efficient implementations of algorithms that map particularly well onto
common scientific calculations e.g. matrix-vector operations which are the core for
quantum gate operations.
• Co-design and co-development of GPU based quantum accelerator node for targeted
Quantum simulator frameworks. A GPU based testbed will be developed.
• To scale-up and accelerate present QSim and other similar open-source quantum
simulators over GPU based High-performance Computing Infrastructures.

• GPUs offer efficient implementations of algorithms that map particularly well onto
common scientific calculations e.g. matrix-vector operations which are the core for
quantum gate operations.
• Co-design and co-development of GPU based quantum accelerator node for
targeted Quantum simulator frameworks. A GPU based testbed will be developed.


Chief Investigator Details

Dr.  Kunal Abhishek (akunal[at]cdac.in)

Mr. Soumya Bhowmik (soumyab[at]cdac.in)
