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Human Resource Management System (eHRMS)

  • eHRMS is a web based Human Resource Management System to manage the HR related processes online and organized neatly with features like Employee Management, Leave Management, Payroll Management etc. eHRMS is a state-of-the-art modular, integrated, scalable, web based system for Department of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of Meghalaya.
  • e-HRMS has been implemented across India including 2 states in North Eastern Region which is developed and maintain by CDAC Silchar.
  • E-HRMIS Meghalaya. The project was implemented on 19/02/2021
  • E-HRMIS Manipur. The project was implemented on 06/11/2018


Chief Investigator Details

Mr. Y. Ranjan Singha, Joint Director, SWT Group, C-DAC CINE Silchar

Email: ranjan@cdac.in

Phn no: 8133029380

