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ICT Solution for India’s Northeast Heritage

In order to achieve this objective, we intend to equip the NE heritage organizations by providing the software solutions already developed by us and also by developing some new solutions to address their requirements. There are around 30+ museums in the NE states. It is critically important to digitize, document, preserve, protect and promote NE heritage that is available in museums, monuments and tourist destinations. 

C-DAC Silchar is responsible for developing an online northeastern crafts portal which is made to preserve the heritage of handicrafts and handloom sector of North East of India. It showcases the artisans, weavers & products of NE states of India. This is a platform for sustainable economic growth by promoting the local artisans, helping artisans, weavers and entrepreneurs of North East to find markets for their products in the country and abroad. 


Chief Investigator Details

Dr. YumnumKirani Singha, Principal Technical Officer, SWT Group, C-DAC
