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An effective communication network is essential not only to cater to the needs of travel and transport but also for socio-economic development. In case of J&K, the same is all the more important for promotion of tourism as well as horticulture fruit production. Revival of Tourism and Restoration of infrastructure has been a priority of the UT Government, with the supplementation of Central resources, the UT Government made concerted efforts in rebuilding of infrastructure in the shape of roads, bridges, school buildings, college buildings, hospitals and the social infrastructure, etc. With this objective in view, special schemes were launched, besides giving a boost to the ongoing schemes of the Department.


In order to streamline and speedup the working of the PW(R&B) Deptt, Government of Jammu and Kashmir, the department has computerized various process by deploying an online web Portal called “JKPW-Online Management, Monitoring & Accounting System”.


The initiative has upgraded the present system of manual working to online making the department more vibrant and pave way towards a scientific and an efficient management system in the department.


This proposed computerised management system has a very efficient user interface and is organised in the following main components:

  • Human Resource Information System
  • Contractor Information System
  • Infrastructure Management
  • Project/Work Proposal
  • Approvals and Tendering
  • Execution and Monitoring
  • Quality Control
  • Assets Maintenance
  • Billing and Accounting
  • Snow Clearance

Infrastructure Management

The physical infrastructure of a country includes all of the physical structures and components necessary for maintaining its functions. There are highways that citizens use to transport goods between cities, or from rural to urban areas. There are streets and roads that commuters use to travel to work and school each day. There are bridges that help people cross rivers. Bridges play an important role in the transportation system by supporting economic and social development and are therefore regarded as one of the most important and indispensable infrastructures.


Some benefits of Online Infrastructure Management

  • Improved response times to changes in operations, disasters, and other disruptive conditions.
  • The proper preventative maintenance and treatments should be performed at the right time to be cost effective and extend the life of physical infrastructures.
  • With the digitisation of State Highways and other roads, the disaster management and relief measures in case of natural calamities such as floods, landslips and cyclone can be improved.


Project Proposal and Execution


A time-bound project of this magnitude will require the use of very systematic and meticulous planning and monitoring techniques incorporating the latest developments in Information Technology (IT).


Some Benefits


  • Project Planning – Be able to easily plan projects while taking previous track record into account.
  • Tracking project evolution when it comes to completion, time and costs – Warn the right people when things are veering off track.
  • Scheduling and Time Management – Be able to easily register time on work items and take people's work schedule into account.
  • Project budgets, incl. costs of people – Keeping real-time check of not only time but also allotted budget.


Quality Control


Quality Control of construction materials and product is an essential requirement for obtaining improved and uniform standard of roads. The need for Quality Control on these specifications has increased considerably in recent times due to a significant increase in traffic intensities.


Some Benefits

  • Improved level of service of roads & highways will result in considerable savings in vehicle operating cost and in favorable road.


Contractor Information System


Automated contractor management systems help streamline operations by doing much of that manual work like collecting data, recording and tracking it, and searching through spreadsheets and countless emails to find information, etc. and eliminating time-wasting processes. They hold all the information in one place and have search functions that make it easy to find exactly what information looking for at the click of a button.




Chief Investigator Details

Mr. Y. Ranjan Singha, Joint Director, SWT Group, C-DAC CINE Silchar

Email: ranjan@cdac.in

Phn no: 8133029380

