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MANAS – Mental Health and Normalcy Augmentation System

MANAS is a comprehensive, scalable, national digital wellbeing platform, initiated and funded by Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser, endorsed by PMSTIAC, Govt. of India  to augment mental well-being of Indian citizens for all age groups. MANAS is executed by NIMHANS Bengaluru, AFMC Pune and CDAC Bengaluru. The program aims to ‘reach the unreached’, through smart phones as well as linkages with Wellness Centres to reach ground-level Urban population at large for dissemination of information about well-being, measuring vital parameters and developing mental health skills through learning modules.
MANAS has been executed in two phases, Phase I is to develop a POC android app to focus on two different age groups YoungISTAN (Young Indians, Smart, Talented and Natural) for 20-35 years age group, Mann-Marg (Journey to mental wellbeing) for 15-20 years. The app is integrated with well researched contents and has undergone user trials for feasibility. In Phase II, MANAS is enriched with bilingual support of app and contents, iOS app, new wellness contents seamless integration, dashboard for analysis and visualization, security audit and VAPT testing for safe hosting in any cloud environment, user & closed group trials for wide acceptance. MANAS promoted mental wellbeing via. ManasMitra webinar series conducted in collaboration with stakeholders, nodal agencies and RuTAG members.

Use Cases
  • Self-evaluation and practices to ensure mental wellness for all Indians
  • Dissemination of government initiatives on mental health and wellbeing
  • User trails and field study of mental wellness researched contents designed by Psychologists, Practitioners and Research fellows
  • Usage of Mental wellbeing app by rurban wellness workers from National Mental Health Programme (NMHP), District mental health programme (DMHP) and Primary Health Care Centers (PHC)etc.
Salient Features
  • MANAS ensures connectivity to the Rurban population of India through MANAS mobile app, MANAS platform and MANAS Mitra awareness programs.
  • Bilingual (English and Hindi) support of mobile app.
  • MANAS App supports both Android and iOS platforms.
  • Self-evaluation of their own mental wellbeing by WHO’s scale.
  • Third party plug and play architecture for seamless integration of scientifically researched wellness contents which encompasses mental wellness information, measures and interventions.
  • Data security and privacy(anonymity) support in both data transit and rest.
  • MANAS platform - work flow management for curating and inclusion of new contents into the app.
  • MANAS platform is a comprehensive digital and scalable solution to host on public / private cloud platforms.
  • MANAS backend services deployed on the NIC cloud platform, Govt. of India as containers.
  • MANAS Mitra webinars for promoting and dissemination of mental wellbeing.
Technical Specifications

  • MANAS android and iOS app- NodeJS, React native, loopback framework, MongoDB database
  • MANAS Dashboard – NodeJS, React JS, Loopback framework, MongoDB database



Platform Required (if any)

  • Android or  iOS device
  • Web browser


Chief Investigator Details

Ms. Karthika V
Email: vkarthika@cdac.in
