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Mobile Seva – National Rollout of the Mobile Services Delivery Gateway

Mobile Seva offers a unique platform which provides multiple mobile based channels (e.g. SMS, USSD, IVRS, LBS, mobile Apps) for delivery of public services over mobile devices. Citizen can access SMS, USSD and IVRS based services through very basic phones. Departments integrating with any one channel can effortlessly integrate with all the other operational channels as well. Mobile Seva offers SAAS and the services based model enables departments in accessing Mobile Seva services just by registering on Mobile Seva services portal. The Mobile Seva is being developed around open standards, offers highly interoperable services which enables various government department to integrate with Mobile Seva platform seamlessly.

The integration process is very easy and the departments need to register themselves on Mobile Seva portal and once verification is done, the departments can start using Mobile Seva services. A department integrated with one channel can offer the same services on other mobile channels without making any extra effort

  • SMS Gateway Service: The SMS Gateway Service acts as a common service to eGov exchange and is used to deliver SMS based services to all citizens. SMS Gateway supports both push and pull-based services.


  • Departments: Departments can use SMS Portal or API to push SMS to its users/citizens.
  • Citizens: Citizens can also request specific information through pull-based SMS services. Short code 51969 has been reserved by the Government of India for the e-Governance services and this code is already integrated with all the telecom operators of the country.
  • USSD-based services: Unstructured Supplementary Services Data (USSD) is a session-based service, unlike SMS which is a store and forward service. USSD can be used by the user to send request/command to an application in text format.


  • Departments: Departments can use USSD services to send flash messages to their users/citizens.
  • Citizens: Citizens can also request/apply for specific information/services through USSD services.
  • IVRS-based services: interactive Voice Response Systems (IVRS) are the most common way for a phone to communicate with a computer through the tones generated by each key on the phone keypad. These are known as dual-tone multi-frequency (DTMF) signals.

In the context of mobile governance, the IVRS application is intended to serve the C2G and G2C wings of the e-governance model. Lots of government services (Passport, Ration card, etc.) draw a lot of enquiries from the citizens. These enquiries are nothing but an overhead for the government and such processes, if automated through the use of IVRS, can reduce the undue overheads.


  • Departments: Departments can integrate with our IVRS to offer their services through IVRS.
  • Citizens: Citizens can also request specific information through our IVRS services. Citizens can avail of this service by calling our IVRS number 022-26209367.

Mobile Applications: Web application development, mobile application development based on the department/agencies requirements

Salient Features
  • One-stop shop for all mobile-based services.
  • Easy onboarding leading to time-saving. 
  • Instant Delivery.
  • DLT Support with urgent approval of templates.
  • No Separate Hardware is Required.
  • Best in Industry pricing.
  • On-call support.

Chief Investigator Details

Kapil Kant Kamal, Joint Director



Address: C-DAC Gulmohar Cross Road No.9, Juhu, Mumbai 400049
