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Mobile e-governance Service Delivery Gateway -III

  • Mobile Application Testing Framework: It will provide an interface to facilitate the testing of applications developed on Android. One should upload Executable files of the mobile application and see the security audit reports.
  • Geo-Fencing: Government departments will promote their services and reach out to a significant portion of the population in an effective manner. Any new service enabled on the platform will need to be notified/popularized via social media platforms.
  • Smart App Notification: Government departments will push notifications through the services portal and messages will display on apps that are installed on a device based on the preference area or services domain.
  • Secure Chat App: This application will be encrypting the information flow between the communicating parties/departments, and thus provides end-to-end security between the communicating parties.
  • Geo-location-based Attendance Mobile Application: This Attendance system uses reverse geo-location tagging with image recognition technology. An employee will click their photo mark attendance.  The application also uploads their work report. Employee as well as their reporting managers can use this app to check their subordinate’s attendance records

Chief Investigator Details

Kapil Kant Kamal, Joint Director



Address: C-DAC Gulmohar Cross Road No.9, Juhu, Mumbai 400049
