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Online Examination & Result Processing System

The online examination and result processing system is used for conduct of exam and result generation. It is an image based, LAN based, secure and scalable examination system which works on question paper approach. Question paper approach eliminates dependency on question bank for fetching questions and facilitates conduct of exam even in short duration of time. Also, as exam system is LAN based, this is especially useful for conduct of exam in remote locations where Internet is an issue.

Components of the system include

  1. Authoring tool for generation of encrypted Question paper
  2. Biometric Attendance system for capturing biometric details (fingerprint and photo) of   candidates at exam centre
  3. Exam software for the conduct of exam
  4. Result Processing system for attendance reconciliation and result generation

Use Cases

1. Recruitment 
2. Admission to courses

Salient Features
  1. Exam in LAN environment
  2. Question Paper(QP) based
    1. Supports question paper set concept and  Section based Question paper
    2. Supports conduct of multiple papers simultaneously
    3. Support Question and option shuffling
  3. Registration data, QP, Response file -AES 256 bit encrypted
  4. QP Decryption key – Divided into two parts
  5. QP independent of Language & font
  6. Automatic time management
  7. Biometric Attendance Data Upload in Exam software helps in determining mismatch to take timely action
  8. Effective Exam Dashboard
  9. Audit trail maintained

Contact Details for Techno Commercial Information

 Navneet Jain

