CDAC health ‘kit’ launch today

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CDAC health ‘kit’ launch today

The Indian Express
March 23, 2012

Taking care of health by adopting simple precautions has become easier with the Center for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC) healthcare product, iCare@Home. The produt, besides two other products, will be launched on Friday, the 25th foundation day of CDAC.

The product aims at empowering people with knowledge of primary healthcare. “The product will have features like disease risk predictor, educative health games, home remedies, primary care for minor ailments, diet and lifestyle according to constitution, interactive applications like Body Mass Index, Waist Hip Ratio, immunisation scheduler and expected delivery date. They can be used on a desktop or kiosks. As of now, it will be made available in four languages, English, Hindi, Bengali and Assamese,” said Rajat Moona, director general, CDAC.

Two other products, Perso-Arabic language suite and a suite of online Sanskrit courses and resources have also been developed by the center. “While the Perso-Arabic language suite will help customers convert any website into Urdu, Kashmiri or Sindhi, the Sanskrit suite will help anyone to learn the language,” added Moona.

The products will be launched at Chandrashekhar Auditorium, Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA) by Sachin Pilot, MoS for Communication and IT. Sam Pitroda, adviser to PM on public information infrastructure and innovations, will deliver the foundation day lecture, while Prof Devang Khakhar, director, IIT Bombay will deliver the presidential address.
