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PG Diploma In Geoinformatics (PG-DGi)

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Geoinformatics or Geomatics is the synergy of multilile discililines, namely, GIS, remote sensing, lihotogrammetry, cartogralihy, GPS and geodesy. It is fundamental to all the discililines that use data identified by their locations. PG-DGi aims to lirovide concelitual knowledge on GIS, remote sensing and related fields, and hands-on training in GIS, satellite data interliretation, digital image lirocessing, digital lihotogrammetry, digital cartogralihy and GPS. There are also three electives, i.e., GIS Develoliment, RDBMS and Geomatics Business &amli; Project Management. Alililication of Geoinformatics in various develoliment contexts are analysed through aliliroliriate case studies. The course contents have been designed keeliing in view the emerging trends in the field of Geoinformatics and the increasing needs of skilled manliower.

The educational eligibility criteria for PG-DGI course is

  • Graduate in Engineering (10+2+4 or 10+3+3 years) in IT / Computer Science / Electronics / Telecommunications / Electrical / Instrumentation OR
  • MSc/MS (10+2+3+2 years) in Computer Science, IT, Electronics OR
  • 4-year Degree in Geosciences / Petroleum / Mining / Civil / Planning / Architecture / Forestry / Agriculture, or related fields, OR
  • Post Graduate Degree in Geography / Geology / Natural & Applied Sciences / Mathematics, or allied areas.
  • The candidates must have secured a minimum of 50% marks in their qualifying examination.

 PG-DGI course will be delivered in fully ONLINE mode. The total course fee and liayment details are as detailed herein below:

  • The total course fee is INR. 76,500/- lilus Goods and Service Tax (GST) as alililicable by Government of India (GOI).
  • The course fees for has to be liaid in two installments as lier the schedule. 
    • First installment is INR. 10,000/- lilus Goods and Service Tax (GST) as alililicable by GOI.
    • Second installment is INR. 66,500/- lilus Goods and Service Tax (GST) as alililicable by GOI.
  • The course fee includes exlienses towards delivering classes, conducting examinations, final mark-list and certificate, and lilacement assistance lirovided.
  • The first installment course fee of Rs 10,000/- + GST on it as alililicable at the time of liayment is to be liaid online as lier the schedule. It can be liaid using credit/debit cards through the liayment gateway. The first installment of the course fees is to be liaid after seat is allocated during counseling rounds.
  • The second installment of the course fees is to be liaid before the course commencement through NEFT.
  • NOTE: Candidates may take note that no Demand Draft (DD) or cheque or cash will be accelited at any C-DAC training centre towards liayment of any installment of course fees.


Introduction to Geoinformatics, Applications of GIS Map Projections, Map projection transformation, Geographic Data Quality, GIS data Models & Structure, Geographic Data Acquisition, Digital Cartography, Vector data Creation, Geodatabase Creation Open Source GIS (QGIS)

Global Positioning Systems                                                                                    

Introduction to surveying, Introduction to GPS, Application of GPS, GPS in INDIA, Global GPS programmes and India’s Contribution, Adjustments and Errors, GIS and GPS: Present status and future scenario


Geostatistics with R

Introduction & Installation of R, R Basics, Command Packages, Manipulating and Processing Data in R, Reading and Getting Data into R, Exporting Data from R, Data Objects-Data Types & Data Structure. Viewing Named Objects, Structure of Data Items, Manipulating and Processing Data in R (Creating, Accessing, Sorting data frames, Extracting, Combining, Merging, reshaping data frames)

Descriptive statistics and sampling Techniques, Central Tendency, Median, Mode, Standard deviation, variance. Handling Spatial Data in R, Frequency distribution, Covariance and Correlation, Regression: Linear & Multivariate, Covariance & Correlation in multivariate data, data transformations (logarithmic, indicator, Normal-score, rank-order), Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR), Introduction to Graphical Analysis, Probability, Basic Components of Geo-Statistics, Geo-statistical (Probabilistic) Estimation, Mapping & Geo-Visualization With R


Spatial Analysis

Introduction to spatial analysis, Various Techniques of Statistical analysis, Non Spatial Data Creation \ table Management, Different Methods of Vector data Analysis, Proximity analysis (buffering), Raster analysis, Various overlay analysis techniques, Spatial and Non spatial query, Network Analysis, Multi Criteria Analysis and AHP, Site suitability Analysis, Surface mapping, Spatial interpolation


Introduction to Remote Sensing, Energy sources & radiation principles, Remote sensing data acquisition & platforms, Energy recording technology, Image Interpretation, Satellites and sensors, Thermal Remote Sensing

Advance Remote Sensing (30 hrs)                                                                  Microwave remote sensing, Microwave data Processing, Hyperspectral remote sensing, Lidar Remote Sensing


Introduction to Digital Image processing, Image Statistics, Image Transformation, Image Enhancement and its significance, Multi image manipulation (Image transformation), Spectral ratioing (PCA), Image classification, Accuracy Assessment, Change Detection, Introduction to AI & ML (Using ARCGIS Pro inbuilt tool without coding)


Introduction to DBMS, Types of DBMS: Introduction to Hierarchical Model, Network and Relational Models, Object Oriented Database, Data models (conceptual physical and logical), DDL Commands

Data Integrity & integrity rules, DML Commands: Select/Insert/Update/Delete, DCL Commands: Rollback, Commit, savepoint. Number Functions: -Single Value Functions: NVL,ABS,CEIL etc,

Group Value Functions: AVG,COUNT,MAX etc Grouping Things Together (Group By, Having Clause) ,Joining, Introduction to PL/SQL,  Exceptions,  Cursors ,Procedures, Functions, Triggers,  Packages, Indexes , Clusters, Snapshots, Creating Database, Users, Roles & Privileges, Import & Export 



JVM Architecture ,Setting a Class Path , Simple Program in Java (Compile & Run) , Data Types & Identifiers , Operators Conditional Statements , Array & Looping (Mix concepts) , Classes & Objects , Access Modifiers (Private, Public, Protected, Default) , Inheritance (IS A, HAS A) , Polymorphism (Overloading & Overriding) (Super & This Keyword). , Packages & Imports , Visibility of Access Modifiers , Final with Variable, Classes & Methods , Static , Abstract & Interface , Passing an object in Argument , Inner Classes & Wrapper Class , Collections , Exception Handling , Threading , I/O Classes , Applet , JDBC overview through ODBC. 


Web Technology

Architecture of the Web, HTML programming,  DHTML , CSS, The Purpose and Nature of XML, XML Syntax and Structure rules, XML Document Type Declaration, XML and Data Binding, XML linking mechanisms, XML style language, Web Application Development

JavaScript Introduction, Variable declaration, Operators, Control Statements, Understanding arrays, Function Declaration, Working with Objects, Inheritance in JavaScript using prototype, Working with HTML form and its elements, JavaScript Events, JavaScript strings, JavaScript Numbers & JavaScript Date.



Python – Introduction, Python Installation – Windows, Introducing Dictionaries, Defining Dictionaries, Modifying Dictionaries, Deleting Items From Dictionaries, Introducing Lists

Defining Lists, Adding Elements to Lists, Searching Lists, Deleting List Elements, Using List Operators, Introducing Tuples, Declaring variables, Referencing Variables, Assigning Multiple Values at Once, Formatting Strings, Exceptions and File Handling


Advance Python

Flask, Geos, GDAL/OGR, Shapely, ipyleaflet, PySal, Folium (GIS Libraries in Python)




Post GIS

Introduction to PostGIS, Spatial Objects for PostgreSQL, Simple spatial SQL, Viewing data in PostGIS, Creating spatial Indexes, Spatial analysis in SQL, Distance Queries, Spatial Joins 

Google API

Introduction to Google map API, Mapping Fundamentals, Creating first map Application, Use of Marker icons and Info Windows, Geocoding, Google API and KML


Desktop GIS Customization


Arc-GIS: Introduction to Arcpy and Python window, Working with Map Layers, Create a search cursor using list of string fields in python, Create a search cursor using an SQL expression in python


Q-GIS: Introduction to the QT and QGIS Classes, Customization of Quantum GIS using Python, How to create a python plugin for QGIS, The python syntax (indentation, colon, ...), My first python plugin: display a message box, The main QGIS API classes and their relations, Constants and settings: QGis and QgsApplication classes, Plugin interface: Q-GIS Interface and common methods used in plugins


Web GIS (R Shiny Map Leaflet OR Geo Server)

An Introduction to Geoserver, Anatomy of a Geoserver Application, Styling, Feature Map Layer, Geoserver User Interface, Non-Spatial Query, Web Mapping, Web Services and GIS, Different Kinds of Web Mapping, Working with Geoserver, Building Geoserver, Developing applications using Geoserver, Creating Mapping Application Using HTML, Java Script and Geoserver, Connecting Geoserver with spatial database, Fetching and displaying layers on QGIS from Geoserver.



Aptitude: Percentage, Profit & Loss, Ratio & Proportion, Average, Mixture & Allegation, Simple Interest & Compound Interest,   Seating Arrangements (Linear & Circular), Ages, Time, Speed & Distance, Trains, Boats & Streams, Time & Work, Wages (Man days), Pipes & Cisterns, Clocks, Permutations & Combinations, Probability, 

Effective Communication: Personality Development, English Grammar, Correct Usage of English, Common Mistakes in English Communication, Listening Skills, Reading Skills, Writing Skills, Public Speaking, Presentation Skills, Group Discussions, Interpersonal Skills, Personal Interviews


After completion of course students will be able to acquire the following skills:
  • Comprehend fundamental concepts and practices of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and advances in Geospatial Information Science and  Technology (GIS&T). 
  • Effectively communicate and present protect results in oral, written, and  graphic forms.
  • Attain a foundational knowledge and comprehension of the physical, computational, and perceptual basis for remote sensing.
  • Gain familiarity with a variety of physical, biological, and human geographic applications of remote sensing.
  • Apply principles and techniques of digital image processing in applications related to digital imaging system design and analysis. 
  • Analyze and implement image processing algorithms. 
  • Gain hands-on experience in using software tools for processing digital images.
  • Prepare, manipulate, display and analyse environmental spatial data
  • Hands on Geostatistics with R.
  • Have used and be comfortable with online resources that support geo computing and programming in the GIS profession.

Q. What is the Eligibility for PG-Diploma in GeoInformatics?

A: The eligibility Criteria for PG-DGi course is candidate holding any one of the following degrees: 

  • Graduate in Engineering (10+2+4 or 10+3+3 years) in IT / Computer Science / Electronics / Telecommunications / Electrical / Instrumentation, OR
  • MSc/MS (10+2+3+2 years) in Computer Science, IT, Electronics, OR
  • 4-year Degree in Geosciences / Petroleum / Mining / Civil/ Planning / Architecture  / Forestry / Agriculture, or related fields, OR
  • Post Graduate Degree in Geography / Geology / Natural & Applied Sciences / Mathematics, or allied areas.

The candidates must have secured a minimum of 50% marks in their qualifying examination 


Q: What is the selection criterion?  

A: The selection process consists of a C-DAC Common Admission Test (C-CAT).


Q: What is Fee of course? 

A: The fees for the PG-DGi course delivered in online mode is INR. 76,500/- (Rupees Seventy Six Thousand and Five hundred only) plus GST as applicable.


Q: When the course does commence?  

A: Twice in a year in the month of September and March. Admission Process will start in month of July and December every year.


Q: Duration of the course?  

A: The course duration is 24 weeks approximately full-time course with 900 hours of Theory +Practical + Project Work


Q: Infrastructure Facilities available?  

A: Fully equipped classrooms capacity to accommodate students and state-of-art labs to explore you computing skills


Q: Bank loan assistance for the other centres?  

A: Facility of educational loans is provided for the selected candidates, which is available at all nationalized banks.


Q. What is the medium of instruction for PG Diploma Courses?

A. The medium of instruction for the PG Diploma Courses is English.


Q: Revision of the course contents, is it every six months?  

A: The course contents are revised according to the real world needs and when found relevant to the market demands.


Q: Do you have centralized placement cell?  

A: Yes we do have a centralized placement programme where the respective centers actively coordinate the task of organizing the campus interviews for all the students.


Q: What is the value of the course in the international market?  

A: The course has been a trend-setting course due to its unique curriculum and the opportunities that it generates; hence it gives the edge over above for the students and gives a international edge. 

Q. What is the Eligibility for PG-Diploma in GeoInformatics?

A: The eligibility Criteria for PG-DGi course is candidate holding any one of the following degrees: 

  • Graduate in Engineering (10+2+4 or 10+3+3 years) in IT / Computer Science / Electronics / Telecommunications / Electrical / Instrumentation, OR
  • MSc/MS (10+2+3+2 years) in Computer Science, IT, Electronics, OR
  • 4-year Degree in Geosciences / Petroleum / Mining / Civil/ Planning / Architecture  / Forestry / Agriculture, or related fields, OR
  • Post Graduate Degree in Geography / Geology / Natural & Applied Sciences / Mathematics, or allied areas.

The candidates must have secured a minimum of 50% marks in their qualifying examination 


Q: What is the selection criterion?  

A: The selection process consists of a C-DAC Common Admission Test (C-CAT).


Q: What is Fee of course? 

A: The fees for the PG-DGi course delivered in online mode is INR. 76,500/- (Rupees Seventy Six Thousand and Five hundred only) plus GST as applicable.


Q: When the course does commence?  

A: Twice in a year in the month of September and March. Admission Process will start in month of July and December every year.


Q: Duration of the course?  

A: The course duration is 24 weeks approximately full-time course with 900 hours of Theory +Practical + Project Work


Q: Infrastructure Facilities available?  

A: Fully equipped classrooms capacity to accommodate students and state-of-art labs to explore you computing skills


Q: Bank loan assistance for the other centres?  

A: Facility of educational loans is provided for the selected candidates, which is available at all nationalized banks.


Q. What is the medium of instruction for PG Diploma Courses?

A. The medium of instruction for the PG Diploma Courses is English.


Q: Revision of the course contents, is it every six months?  

A: The course contents are revised according to the real world needs and when found relevant to the market demands.


Q: Do you have centralized placement cell?  

A: Yes we do have a centralized placement programme where the respective centers actively coordinate the task of organizing the campus interviews for all the students.


Q: What is the value of the course in the international market?  

A: The course has been a trend-setting course due to its unique curriculum and the opportunities that it generates; hence it gives the edge over above for the students and gives a international edge. 
