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Registration Form for C-CAT

As per Degree Certificate / Govt issued ID Card
Enter 10 digit Mobile No. e.g. 9876543210
Indicate how you came to know about ACTS Courses
Between 8-20 Characters, Alphanumeric, 1 Lowercase, 1 Uppercase & 1 of @,#,$,!,_
Retype the password


  • The Name should be the same as given in Degree Certificate / Govt issued ID Card.
  • Please verify email id as it will be used to send registration details & Admission Booklet.
  • Please note Form number and Password. It will be required to login for further processes.
  • Please ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria of the courses for which you are applying.
  • In case you are found ineligible during any stage of the admission process or course delivery, your admission will be canceled with immediate effect. The penalty clauses as given in the Cancellation & Refund section of the Admission Booklet will be applied.