Kenya Revenue Authority Valuation System 2 (KRAVS) (Phase II)

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Kenya Revenue Authority Valuation System is a decision making analysis tool designed and developed by C-DAC in consultation with Directorate General of Valuation, Mumbai for Kenya Revenues Authority (KRA).

KRAVS II maintains contemporaneous prices of sensitive items and gives an estimate of price of imported/exported item as per “Transaction Value of identical goods” method for customs valuation as per Article 2 of WTO Agreement on implementation of Article VII of the GATT 1994. This estimated price is used by customs officers to determine if imported or exported goods are undervalued or overvalued.

Along with International price database, it also provides a facility to maintain Business Intelligence database. This data acts as a risk assessment tool that aims to complement other tools.

It has an enhanced, rich and user friendly interface (Query builder) for creating flexible reports (tabular as well as graphical) on the run. KRAVS II also generates various statistical and analytical reports.

Client: Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA), Kenya

Group: KBCS

Chief Investigator:

Team Members:

Contact Address

Raintree Marg
Near Bharati Vidyapeeth
Opp. Kharghar Railway Station
Sector 7, CBD Belapur
Navi Mumbai - 400 614
Tel: 2756 1503, 27565303
