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Reconfigurable Computing (RC)

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Reconfigurable Computing Reconfigurable Computing (RC) is an interesting paradigm to accelerate applications by targeting algorithms into programmable hardware.

One of the enabling technologies useful in RC is the field-programmable gate array (FPGA). Putting FPGAs on add-on cards or motherboards allow FPGAs to serve as compute-intensive co-processors. FPGAs can be re-configured over and over again, to perform multitude of operations. This enables application-specific, dynamically "programmable" hardware accelerators.

A number of Scientific & Engineering applications find RC technology useful. To name a few: satellite networks with adaptive communication algorithms, scalable computing systems, Encryption/Decryption engines and Pattern recognition.

C-DAC has pioneered the RC technology for HPC in India through its state-of-the-art design of hardware, system software and hardware libraries ('Avatars'). Avatars are dynamically changeable circuits, corresponding to the compute intensive routines of the application code. C-DAC with its expertise in RC is capable of providing accelerated solutions for a wide spectrum of scientific and engineering areas.


Scientific and engineering applications in the areas of fracture mechanics, radio astronomy and bioinformatics are ported on RC, providing up to 240X speedup compared to purely software based solutions. These speedups can further increase by manifolds based on the hardware configuration and nature of applications. In order to obtain same performance as RC hardware, one would require a huge cluster of computing nodes.

    Reconfigurable Computing 2
  • Bioinformatics sequence search solution using RC, gave 240 times faster results.
  • C-DAC's own fracture mechanics code, having double precision Cholesky factorization and forward-backward substitution steps ported on RC provided 16X speedup.
  • High speed data acquisition and signal processing solutions designed for Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) and power spectrum experimentation in radio astronomy, replaced sizable computing cluster.
  • Double precision matrix multiplication implemented on RC performed better than the Intel math kernel library.

RC Product Features:

    Reconfigurable Computing 1
  • Multi-million gate FPGAs for mapping compute intensive portions of application codes
  • Standard bus interface like PCI/PCI-X/PCI Express
  • System software Interface for all standard Linux distributions
  • Low power consumption
  • FCC and CE compliant

RC in Supercomputing Cluster

Sixteen nodes of PARAM Yuva are enabled with RC hardware creating a powerful and unique supercomputing environment. Based on the configuration and application, RC enabled node delivers performance comparable to hundreds of CPU cores.

In addition to increasing application performance by many folds, C-DAC's RC offers tremendous savings on power and spaceas compared to other technologies for application acceleration.

C-DAC's RC is a perfect solution for accelerating your applications through 'Avatars' in areas as varied as life science to astrophysics...
...and many more applications

Contact Us

Mr. Yogindra Abhyankar
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing
Pune University Campus,
Ganesh Khind,
Pune - 411 007 India.
Tel: +91-20-2570-4100 Ext. : 336
Fax: +91-20-2569-4004 Email: yogindra[at]cdac[dot]in
