
C-DAC Logo

Cyber Forensics


Portable forensic kit, a solution for performing digital forensics Seizure, Acquisition and Analysis

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High speed, light weight, portable disk imaging hardware solution with battery backup support

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DARPAN Series 3 (S3) Network Management System

DARPAN Series 3 (S3) Network Management System

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Digital Forensic Kiosk -Hardware

Digital Forensic Kiosk -Hardware

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Digital Evidence Management System (DEMS)

Digital Evidence Management System (DEMS)

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Win-LiFT Windows Based Live Forensics Tool

Win-LiFT, Win-LiFTImagerBuilder and Win-LiFTImager

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PhotoExaminer (Forensic Multimedia Analysis Tool)

PhotoExaminer (Forensic Multimedia Analysis Tool)

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SARAN (NextGen Service Desk)

SARANSARAN (NextGen Service Desk)

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SIMXtractor -SIM Card Imaging & Analysis Tool

SIMXtractor is a forensic solution for imaging and analysing SIM cards

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Advik CDRAnalyzer

Advik is a Call Data Record Analyzer which can import and analyze CDR/IPDR logs

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MobileCheck Forensic Solution for Mobile Phones & Smart Phones

Digital Forensic Solution for Mobile phones and other Handheld devices.

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NetForce Suite - Network Forensics Tool

NeSA - Networks Forensics Tool to capture and analyse network traffic

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CyberCheck Suite - Disk Forensics Tool

Web based forensic data recovery and analysis tool to enable Law Enforcement Officers to quickly

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SOC- as-a-Service

C-DAC provides 24x7 Managed Security Services

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CyberCheckLite is a portable forensic computer seizure tool.

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Software Testing

Software Testing

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End Point Security


TrusToken is an indigenously developed, easy to use, plug and play USB device

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Network Security


CDACSIEM provides a comprehensive view of the network,enabling a secure & singular security control.

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Cyber Threat Management System

An integrated framework for monitoring analysis and enabling mitigation of cyber threats.

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C-DAC Attack Dataset and Analysis Repository (C-ADAR)

A complete solution for sharing, detection, classifications of malwares.

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Mobile and Web Security


Powered by Blockchain technology to verify mobile app authenticity

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Parikshan is an Automation tool focused on performing Static and Dynamic analysis of mobile apps

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M-Kavach 2

It is a comprehensive security solution addressing emerging threats related to Android phones

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