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Audio-Video Search

This system aims to focus on extraction & retrieval of information from audio and video sources, not just by their metadata, but by performing search on its content. Like textual information, audio & video files also contain multiple types of audio and visual information which are difficult to extract. For extracting information from such sources, automatically recognized Speech Transcripts, image similarity matching, are some of the major processes to be performed to make the information searchable. This application works on the transcribed text of the audio/video files. Transcription can also be achieved using Automatic Speech Recognition Technique developed. Its principle features are:

  • Storage of Audio & Video data
  • IProcessing of Audio & Video Data:
  • Audio/ Video Search through NLP based Retrieval Engine


Contact Us

Centre for Development of Advanced Computing
Applied AI Group, 4th Floor,
C-DAC Innovation Park,
Panchavati, Pashan,
Pune - 411 008.
Phone No.: (020) 25503314 / 15
