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NVIDIA DGX-A100 Compute Nodes 82 (20992 cpu cores)
Total host (compute node) memory 82 TB (82 nodes * 1 TB per node)
NVIDIA A100-40GB Tensor Core GPUs 656 (82 nodes * 8 gpus per node)
Total GPU Memory 26.24 TB (82 Nodes * 8 GPUs per node * 40 GB Per Node)
Mellanox 200G HDR InfiniBand Switch having 320Tb/s
aggregate switch throughput (Compute Communication)
800 Ports (20 leafs *40 ports per leaf)
Mellanox 200G HDR InfiniBand Switches (Storage Delivery) 400 Ports (10 Switches * 40 ports per switch)
PFS based storage (Network attched) @250 GB/Sec, 4M IOPs 10.5 PiB (2 Tier Storage)

AIRAWAT-PSAI Compute Node Specification

Component Specification
CPU AMD EPYC 7742 64C 2.25GHz
CPU Cores 128 cores (Dual Socket, each with 64 cores) [256 cores with Hyper-threading]
L3 Cache 256 MB
System Memory (RAM) 1 TB
GPU Memory 40 GB
Local Storage 14 TB
Total No. of GPUs per node 8
Networking Mellanox ConnectX-6 VPI (Infiniband HDR), 1.6 Tb/Sec.

The AIRAWAT PoC of 200 AI Petaflops integrated with PARAM Siddhi-AI of 210 AI Petaflops gives a total peak compute of 410 AI Petaflops Mixed Precision and sustained compute capacity of 8.5 Petaflops (Rmax) Double Precision. The peak compute capacity (Double Precision, Rpeak) is 13.17 Petaflops

AIRAWAT-PSAI System Software Environment

  • OS Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS (DGXOS 5.0.5), x86_64 architecture
  • Kernel 5.4.0-80-generic
  • NVIDIA Driver Version 450.142.00
  • NVIDIA NGC Support
  • Python
  • HPC-SDKs, MPIs and CUDA
  • Development tools (compiler, libraries & AI Frameworks)
  • Enroot Container Support

Application Frameworks - AI

AI Frameworks PyTorch , TensorFlow, MxNet, Caffe2, MCTK, Theano, XGBoost
Deep Learning SDK DeepStream, RAPIDS, TensorRT Inference Engine
Conversational AI(ASR, NLP, TTS) Kaldi, NeMo
Vision AI (Computer Vision) DeepVision, DeepCognition, YOLO, OpenCV
Workbook based Editor Jupyter

Application Frameworks - HPC

Domain Applications
Atomic & Molecular Sciences Quantum Espresso, GROMACS, NAMD, LAMMPS, VMD, QMCPack, VASP *, SIESTA, NWChem, CPMD, Molden, MRCC*, DIRAC*, GAUSSIAN*, ABINIT
Computational Fluid Dynamics OpenFOAM, STARCCM*
Computational Chemistry GAMESS
Climate and Environmental Sciences CESM, WRF*
Electronic Sciences Ngspice
Libraries Math Kernel Library

Application Frameworks - Other Tools

Compilers PGI, GNU, OpenACC , CUDA
Visualization Tools Paraview , Graphana, MatplotLib,seaborn, cuGraph , wxMacMolPlt
Python Packages NumPy, Pydicom, skimage, Pandas,Flask, LibROSA, Apache singa, Scikit-learn,Amazon Deep Java Library, Deeplearning4j, deep learning framework, Natural Language, Toolkit (NLTK), Gensim, CoreNLP, spaCy
CUDA toolkit & CUDA SDK V10, 11, CUDA tuned Neural Network (cuDNN) Primitives, CUDA tuned BLAS, CUDA tuned Sparse, Matrix Operations (cuSPARSE)
Computation Framework Hypre, Matlab*, Octave

National PARAM Supercomputing Facility (NPSF)
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing
C-DAC Innovation Park, Panchawati,
Pashan, Pune - 411 008

